The 5 great advantages of Oracle

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The 5 great advantages of Oracle

Post by ayeshshiddika11 »


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Written by Marcial Varela
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In the world of ICT, the brand “ Oracle ” enjoys enormous prestige. However, people outside the sector only associate it with sponsorship of important conferences and events.

If you like IT, you should know the full potential of software products that can open doors to the job market for you.

What is Oracle?
Oracle is a company that develops databases morocco phone data that store and facilitate the management of large amounts of interrelated information. It is one of the largest software companies in the world and also one of the most expensive, creating high-performance business applications. Multinationals such as Burger King , Coca Cola and Peugeot use Oracle to manage their databases .

On its official website, Oracle states that its goal is to “connect all levels of business technology to help customers access the knowledge they need to respond with speed and agility to market requirements . ”

oracle offices

What are the main features of Oracle ?
Relational model : Users view data in tables formatted as rows/columns.
Intuitive and easy-to-use graphical administration tool .
Access control : advanced technologies to monitor access to data.
Data protection : complete security in the production and test environment and backup management.
A very complete database design language (PL/SQL): allows the implementation of "active" designs, which can be adapted to changing business needs.
High availability : scalability, protection and high performance for business activity.
User management : streamlined procedures, reduced costs and secure control of the people who access applications and systems.
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