It is worth noting that, on this occasion, the age range of the sample of respondents ( people between 12 and 74 years old ) has remained unchanged compared to last year. This allows us to make a completely appropriate comparison, as the same parameters are respected.
According to the study, in Spain there are 37.8 million people whose ages fall within this range, and of these, 94% (35.5 million) are Internet users. Likewise, of these Internet users, 86% use social networks. Therefore, in Spain there are 30.3 million people between 12 and 74 years old who are users of social networks .
When comparing this result with those obtained in previous years, we observe that 2024 has seen the first increase in the penetration of social media use since 2020 , a time when the pandemic stimulated the use of these platforms and the digital world in general.
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Even so, this growth is very slight, so we can say that the penetration of social networks remains very stable . Of course, we must not forget that in 2019 and 2020 the study was carried out on people austria number data between 16 and 65 years old, in 2021 on people between 16 and 70, in 2022 on people between 12 and 70, and in 2023 and this year on people between 12 and 74.
Slide from the IAB Spain 2024 Social Media Study showing the evolution of social media penetration in Spain from 2012 to 2024
One thing that has not changed is the fact that the use of social networks continues to be slightly higher among women (89%) compared to men (83%). And, segmented by age groups, again it is users between 18 and 24 years old who have the highest level of penetration (94%) , followed by those between 35 and 44 years old (91%).
As for the rest of the age groups, these show very similar percentages. People between 12 and 17 years old, as well as those between 25 and 34, reveal a penetration level of 86%. While that of people between 45 and 54 and 55 to 74 is 82%.