This year, 51 podcasts were submitted , 10 more than in 2023.
As for additions, we have 19 new podcasts:
366º The podcast of Leap Year Studio
Wings of Innovation
Caviar Online
Curious Money
eCommerce Talks
Climbing Agencies.
Great Learnings
Artificial Intelligence for Entrepreneurship
Marketing after-dinner conversation
Life on Mars – the MarsBased podcast
The last days
Savage Marketing
Media Power Podcast
Pata Negra, Red Carpet
Maximum Productivity
Sabandijers FM
I also sell to companies
And 9 that were in 2023, but have not participated in vietnam number data this edition, either because they decided not to, because they stopped airing or because we have not received a response:
CRO Café (last episode was in 2022)
Hackio Podcast
Growth stories
Itnig, with Bernat Farrero (we have not been able to communicate)
Digital Marketing for podcasts, by Borja Girón (participated with other podcasts)
Digital Marketing, by Borja Girón (participated with other podcasts)
Marketing Journey, by Labelium (last program was in November 2023)
It's none of your business (he decided not to show up)
Think Bites
What happened in 2023
Last year, 41 podcasts participated, and the top 3 were Mentor 360 (Luis Ramos), Online Marketing (Joan Boluda) and Books for Entrepreneurs (Luis Ramos).
Table with the results of the 2023 marketing podcast ranking prepared by Marketing4eCommerce
And that's it for our 2024 edition. If you have a podcast that you think should be on this list and you don't see it, you can write to us and we'll take you into account for the next edition. Also, if you know of any other digital marketing and/or eCommerce podcasts and you think we should include them, tell us in the comments.