By Rafael Sotelo
Content manager at Marketing4eCommerce
GGoogle has decided to remove the continuous scrolling feature from search results, both on desktop and mobile devices. This change, announced on June 25 by Google spokespersons to the specialized media Search Engine Land, will be applied worldwide and will mark the end of a functionality that had been implemented in December 2022 for desktop and in October 2021 for mobile devices.
What is continuous scrolling?
Continuous or infinite scrolling allows users to see more search results by simply scrolling down the page, without needing to click “next” or page numbers. This functionality resembles the infinite scrolling behavior popular on social media , where additional content is automatically loaded upon reaching the bottom of the page.
With the elimination of continuous scrolling, Google will return to traditional pagination. On the desktop version, users will once again see the classic pagination bar at the bottom of the page united states of america number data with its logo and its succession of “O”s, allowing them to jump to a specific page of results or click “Next” to move forward. On the mobile version, a “More results” button will be displayed at the end of the search.
Implications for SEO
This change poses several important implications for both SEO and usability. Essentially, the return to classic pagination could impact SEO strategies. With continuous scrolling, pages that appeared lower in the results could receive more visibility and traffic, as users tended to scroll further. Now, the results on the first page will once again have a significant advantage , and SEO strategies will need to be adapted to ensure that pages manage to rank high.
Reasons for change
According to a Google spokesperson, the decision to remove continuous scrolling is based on the need to improve the speed with which search results are served. By not automatically loading more results, Google can offer a faster and more efficient experience. In addition, the company observed that continuous scrolling did not significantly increase user satisfaction with search results.