The number of people that the article was delivered to.

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The number of people that the article was delivered to.

Post by yamim222 »

WeChat Article/Content Analytics
For each article you can see a funnel-like overview of user behaviour. It’s useful for understanding how the article was received by your followers and how it was spread to more readers.

Note that for individual articles, data is only available for the first 7 days that an article is online. While this suits the short-term peak views of the average WeChat post, it can’t be very helpful for knowing how well the article does in search results later on down the road.

It shows:

he number of people that read it at that point.
The initial number of shares;
The total number of shares (including re-shares from people that aren’t fans of yours);
The resulting number of reads. Note that “shares” means shares japan phone number to a variety of different places, including Moments (newsfeed), groups, direct messages, and “在看” (“Wow”). (If this is confusing, check the first few minutes of the YouTube video in this blog post.)


What will make the top of the funnel larger?

A larger fan base
Better-targeted/more active fan base
More attractive article intro
Ideal send time.
The bottom of the funnel will grow larger if more people share the content. In short, they’ll share it if they think it’s useful for their WeChat friends, entertaining and/or reflects well on them.

You can also see how the article performed over time, including the number of reads and shares, as well as how it was found, such as through the initial message published via official account, search function, etc.

Another useful chart shows how much of the article people actually read. From the chart below, you can see that about 2/3 of readers read 100% of the article.
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