Step-by-step development of customer service from scratch

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Step-by-step development of customer service from scratch

Post by subornaakter10 »

Creating a customer service department begins with a detailed study of the situation. This requires the following five steps:

Define the Customer Journey

Analyze and describe all the telegram dating philippines consumer's actions from getting to know the product (goods) to purchasing. Each such action can be broken down into a number of smaller steps.

Let's take a chain of events: a customer visited a website, called, bought a product, left a review. Analyze each of these actions: what happens during the purchase process? What does the customer want, what problems arise? If the consumer waits too long for order confirmation, customer service is poor. If the store accepts payment only in cash, this is inconvenient, the system needs to be improved.

Customer Journey


Source :

Having identified and eliminated all the shortcomings, outline a clear path for the client, on which he will not have difficulties. Enter the entire sequence of steps into the instructions for the customer service staff.

Make a list of possible situations

We are talking about possible conflict situations: claims, inconsistencies, unprofessional work of managers, inflated expectations of the consumer. For each situation fraught with troubles, customer service employees should have a script - a point in the instructions.

Write down the standards in official documents

Scripts improve the level of service, sales, and contribute to the development of the business as a whole. The manual should become a reference book for every customer service manager. This document should describe how to sell, how to talk to people, and how to refuse them. The staff must strictly adhere to the rules you set. Buyers feel well when a company has a code of conduct for staff. The "reference book" of customer service includes the following sections:

general principles of behavior in standard situations;

rules of communication with clients;

conflict resolution scripts;

ethics, tone of speech, dress code, etc.

Specific people must be responsible for ensuring that corporate standards of conduct are met.

The customer must be accompanied by employees responsible for the success or failure of each step of the consumer on his way to purchase. Their duty is to prevent violations of customer service standards. Incentives must be provided for employees who successfully work according to established corporate standards. In case of violation of instructions, penalties must be provided.

Employees of the company must be well aware of the consequences of violating the rules. They must also understand that executive employees interested in improving customer service are definitely encouraged. Both disciplinary and incentive sanctions should be formalized in writing. The manager's task is to ensure that employees study and understand these rules well. Often people do not attach much importance to this and work as they are used to.

Read also!

"9 Types of Customer Loyalty Programs"
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Organize control over the implementation of standards

Compliance with the established rules must be monitored. There are various methods for this, both obvious and hidden: video and audio surveillance, wiretapping, mystery shopping, reports, KPI (key performance indicators).

You can also:

analyze company statistics (sales plan, conversion, web analytics), which will give an objective picture and identify problem areas;

Conduct regular customer surveys to obtain feedback from customers;

view the history of chats in social networks, user dialogues with chatbots.

Explain to your team your system for assessing the level of compliance with standards

Control allows you to analyze. The level of standards fulfillment is calculated in numbers, percentages. You will see how much the company's real level of customer service corresponds to the indicators you are striving for. Set yourself ever higher goals.
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