How do you orient them then?

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How do you orient them then?

Post by mayaboti »

In short... behind the CV there is a world hidden! A client of mine once told me “This CV review wasn't working on a sheet of paper, it was working on me”. This is why I love my job. How old are they, where do they live, what sector do they work in? The people who contact me are in an age range from 30 to 55 .

Mostly women. They work both in "old economy" areas, therefore israel number data linked to the classic accounting, administration and sales profiles, and in classic sectors such as industrial, food, large-scale retail trade and luxury goods. And then there are people linked to new professions: social media, press office, copywriting, web editor and so on. Maybe some people want to write a CV but you instead help them… As I was telling you, the CV is often just the tip of the iceberg.

Some just need to format their CV better but most are confused because perhaps they would like to change sector and don't know how. Or you have always worked as an employee and want to redeploy as a social health worker. Or again, she has done a thousand jobs and lost her identity. In short, behind CVs there are dreams ! I help my clients take them back into consideration and evaluate whether they can be transformed into objectives and then into results.
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