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With email, sent messages go to the inbox (when they germany email list don’t go to spam) and users almost feel the need to open it (at least I feel that way) because our email inbox is literally a to-do list. On LinkedIn, InMail goes to the user’s message box and users don’t think of the tool as just a way to stay connected with other people in the market. Now, let’s get down to business: how to structure your sponsored messages to get more replies and not get ignored on LinkedIn? Most of the tips are about how you write your content, so having a good knowledge of copywriting can be a huge advantage! 1) Write short messages That’s right, on Linkedin’s InMail, more impersonal messages get more replies.
Take a look at the chart below. According to the study, although the tool allows you to write 1900 characters, messages containing 25-50 words get 65% more replies. So you know, less is more! Source: LinkedIn 2) Avoid complex language This tip also applies to other types of content, and it makes a huge difference in InMail. Avoid fancy words and remember that users shouldn't have to work hard to understand what you mean.