Furthermore, if the use of smart working is understood as a way to dedicate more time to the private sphere, the manager could receive a signal of poor commitment with inevitable negative consequences. Another risk is the intrusion of work life into the home. The decreased control of the boundary between these dynamics leads to repeated interruptions from work or family commitments, increasing the likelihood of conflict in both the work and home spheres.
Inequality in access opportunities Many companies brazil phone number list have not fairly granted the possibility of working remotely. The decision to reject requests from employees who “appear” not to need them at the expense of traditional and obvious circumstances, causes resentment and a perception of injustice . This can clearly damage relationships with management and between colleagues. Furthermore, those who remain in the office, if not well coordinated, find it difficult to schedule meetings and manage team projects.
For these reasons, it cannot be excluded that following situations of this kind, some employees may threaten to resign, forcing the company to have to manage delicate situations. Limited corporate culture A final, very common pitfall is a corporate culture that is not yet mature , one that supports, encourages and allows us to take full advantage of the flexibility policies at our disposal. It’s clear that employees won’t feel comfortable working remotely if their schedules aren’t consistent with work norms or if they’re subtly (but not too subtly) discouraged by management.
Inequality in access opportunities
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