I’m still passionate about the other topics,

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I’m still passionate about the other topics,

Post by zihadhosenjm90 »

I’m still passionate about the other topics, but it has benefited my blog greatly to narrow my focus onto just my #1 greatest area of interest where I can excel and stand out from the competition.

Niche-Related Blogging Mistake #5: Creating a Blog That’s a Copy of Someone Else’s (or in an Overly Saturated Niche)
You can create a blog in a highly popular niche with a large volume of egypt phone number database bloggers—but your blog must stand out in some way, lest you make this blogging mistake and fall into the trap of creating copycat content.

If you want to build a profitable blog, you have to provide something different, yet still relevant to your readers.

Otherwise, your blog will be swallowed up by the existing popularity of other blogs.

Let’s use the personal finance blogging industry as an example. There are thousands of finance blogs on the Internet.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t write about personal finance, it just means that you have to find a unique angle. It means you have to share advice, wisdom or methods that aren’t written like everyone else’s (like I strive to do in my roundup of blogging tips).

Personal finance is a high competition niche to get into, but you can still do it successfully if you have something fresh to add.

Blogger Bobby Hoyt created a personal finance blog when he wasn’t making the kind of income he wanted from his teaching job. He had a lot of debt to pay off from college and started blogging about his financial learnings in order to bring in some extra cash.
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