e T-shirts, we use a variety of method

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e T-shirts, we use a variety of method

Post by Rrakibmmm »

Michał: In addition to our specialists’ distinctive T-shirts, we use a variety of methods to present our job offers. We organize interactive presentations, stands with bc data america
promotional materials, and Q&A sessions led by our experts. We focus on direct contact and open communication to best present our values ​​and work culture at Henry Meds. We engage people from different departments so that participants can get to know our company from different sides, which allows them to better understand the benefits of working for us and the variety of roles and tasks in our organization. All this helps us to effectively convey why working at Henry Meds can be a rewarding and developing professional experience.

How do they perceive participants and candidates at job fairs?
TALENT DAYS: What kind of candidates are you looking for for Talent Days?

Sebastian: At Talent Days we are looking for dynamic and committed people to join our teams in Poland. Fluency in English is essential, as we serve clients from the US. We are interested in customer service specialists and people with experience in telemedicine and IT. We are looking for candidates who are proactive, creative and ready to learn and adapt in a dynamic startup environment, where innovation and flexibility are extremely important.

TALENT DAYS: What do you pay special attention to during meetings with young talents?

Michał: During the candidate interviews, we put special emphasis on fluency in English, communication skills, teamwork skills, and willingness to learn and adapt in a dynamic startup environment. We value proactivity, creativity, and professional experience, which can contribute to the further growth of Henry Meds.

TALENT DAYS: What are your expectations towards Talent Days participants?

Sebastian: We expect Talent Days participants to be open to new challenges and ready to quickly acquire knowledge. We are looking for candidates who can act with initiative, are flexible and can work effectively in a team. Understanding and identifying with our values ​​and mission is also key.

TALENT DAYS: Thank you for the interview! We wish you fruitful recruitment during Talent Days in October. See you soon!

How did Michael find a job at Henry Meds at a job fair? Get inspired by his story and find your dream job!
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