Delicious New Look and Feel: If you have not seen the changes

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Delicious New Look and Feel: If you have not seen the changes

Post by zihadhasan012 »

The design work Yahoo did to revamp Delicious is, well, for a lack of a better word delicious. It's a massive improvement for those who use the bookmarking service. Two Thumbs N/A Thumbs Down Thankfully, nothing to see here. Stay tuned. Rocking on YOUmoz Ignite Media put together a great post that struck a chord and prompted a good dialogue on YOUmoz. The post, What if the economy isn't to blame? What if it's the seo company?, delves into how to find and measure the performance of a great SEO consultant.

There is some good advice in the post. And given both th united arab emirates mobile phone numbers database e state of the economy and the wide variance of talent among SEOs, there are some interesting takeaways for folks on the client side looking to recruit and retain SEO superstars. Additionally, another solid YOUmoz read this week was Am I an SEO Greenhorn? by Martin81Vette. This is the first of hopefully many mini-guides I will be writing to give straightforward answers to commonly asked SEO questions.

(Thanks Dr. Pete of User Effect for the idea!) Feel free to offer suggestions for future mini-guides in the comments. Moving domains can make a tremendously negative impact on search engine rankings. This is because the major search engines use metrics on both the domain level and the page level to determine rankings. When a webmaster decides to switch to a brand new domain, they are resetting their domain metrics to zero whether they know it or not.
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