So what is the principle?

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So what is the principle?

Post by Mitu100@ »

In copywriting, “later” is a synonym for “never.”

If you fail this final step, all your work will have been in vain.

If your reader reads to the end and you botch the deal, you're like a marathon runner who trips six feet from the finish line, breaks his leg, and never finishes.

What you should never write in copywriting
If you don't implement the following principle in copywriting, the customer will not give you money, but at best a sticky and damp handshake:

"Thanks for nothing."

Claude C. Hopkins (a legendary copywriter ) reveals it:

"Never ask your customer to buy from you."
As a supplicant, you radiate neediness.

Neediness is a sales killer and has killed more sales than Chuck Norris.

So let’s get down to business…

Here are 5 triggers to close the bag:

Set a deadline with a FIXED belgium telegram screening time. Say: “The offer is valid until Friday 11:59 p.m.” instead of “The offer is only valid for 5 days.”
Show your customer that there is only a limited supply. “Only 10 seminar places” or “Only 37 books left - if you hesitate, you'll miss out”.
Announce a price increase: Make it clear to your customer that he only has until Thursday 12:00 noon to buy the product, after which the price will increase.
Offer your customer a one-time bonus if he accepts your offer by the deadline.
Give your customer a solid guarantee and show them that there is no risk involved in buying from you now.
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