Rethinking the brand image

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Rethinking the brand image

Post by nrumohammad0 »

Until a few years ago, companies in the energy and utility sector presented themselves primarily as companies capable of providing the service at an increasingly competitive price, and of doing so with safety, reliability and convenience for the end user, considered a rather passive actor. Competition, when it existed, was based solely on costs. Today, all this is no longer enough.

The focus has shifted to sustainability . To environmental responsibility . To customer afghanistan consumer email list focus . And to transparency . Utility marketers need to keep this in mind.

This is a real paradigm shift , which in turn reflects a change in mentality of public opinion (therefore of the audience of potential customers to be won over or those to be kept loyal), for whom it is no longer enough to have, for example, simple online payment services, but wants to obtain information on the origin of the energy.

According to the most recent survey conducted by Lifegate, in collaboration with Renato Mannheimer's Eumetra research institute, a full 74% of Italians believe that sustainability is one of the most important and influential issues on daily choices . The percentage increase compared to the same data from the previous year is impressive: +15%. The trend is not only Italian, of course, but European and global.

Take, for example, the data from a survey conducted by Enervee on British consumers: it turned out that a good 90% of those interviewed consider efficiency and sustainability important for their energy choices.
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