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Google's Project Loon prepares to take flight and connect the world

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:31 am
by ayeshshiddika11
Connecting the world through the network of networks is the desire of most of today's technology companies, but only the largest are on track to achieve it.

We already know Facebook's intentions, which with its project has already begun the testing phase of its drones that aim to bring internet to those places on the planet that lack it.

However, the race to make the world a more connected place has more competitors. One of them is Google, which is trying to outdo Zuckerberg with Project Loon , an idea very similar to its rival's drones, although with some differences.

These are a series of hot air balloons that serve as an intermediate point between satellites and the Earth's surface, moving in swarms and providing a wide and strong internet connection from the air.

In addition, they have created a shuttle that emits one of these balloons every 30 minutes, thus allowing a continuous connection.

The initial challenge was to achieve a flight autonomy of 100 days, a record that has been surpassed by reaching 190 days, and after more than 19 million kilometers traveled , these balloons norway phone data are now seeking to connect with each other to offer coverage and a much stronger signal.

"What if, instead of making rings around the world, we could get them to fly in groups, like a swarm, and cover areas where connectivity is needed? We can do that already, and it allows for a constant signal," says Astro Teller, head of Project Loon.

The latest tests have already begun in a large part of South America in countries such as Argentina, Peru and Puerto Rico , places that Google hopes to reach with these balloons but which may not be the countries where the official launch of the project will take place.

The company has therefore carried out numerous experiments in different weather conditions to ensure the viability of these balloons.

In this way, Project Loon, an ambitious idea that began in 2012, will see the light of day imminently with the aim of cooperating to solve the deficiencies and, in the process, why not, overtake its arch-enemy Facebook.