When pillar content revolves around a theme

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When pillar content revolves around a theme

Post by phonenumberlist »

Pillar content acts as the cornerstone of the cluster and provides in-depth exploration of the main topic. Well-crafted pillar pages with organized related content boost your website’s rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). Pillar pages can get 200 times more backlinks and five times more referring domains than regular blog posts.

Pillar content typically provides an argentina whatsapp overview of a topic and provides a clear structure for your cluster. For example, if your major topic is "Business Marketing," your pillar content could be a detailed guide on "The Fundamentals of a Bachelor's Degree in Business Marketing ."

Cluster Content: pieces that delve into subtopics or specific aspects of the pillar content are called "cluster content." Each cluster piece explores a facet of the main topic, offering more detailed information.

Internal Links: A crucial element of topic clusters is the internal link network. Each content in the cluster links to the pillar content, and the pillar content links to the relevant cluster content. This interlinking structure establishes a clear connection between the various contents in the cluster, reinforcing the authority of the topic. The best way to do this is to use descriptive keywords and use them as anchor text to give the reader a brief overview of the topic of the link.
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