write with structured data to speak Google's language cultivate your reputation as an author [Hey, this step is really important to understand how SEO copywriting will change in the future. To understand better, I recommend you read this article on the Google Search Quality Raters Guidelines 2021] Bonus: about the future of the web, I certainly cannot leave out the most talked about topic of recent times: the metaverse. We all remember this, don't we? A few months ago, dear Zuckerberg made this little word splash into the trending topic with his futuristic presentation on the parallel universe made by Facebook.
In reality, the construction of metaverses has been sweden number data an ongoing process for some time and is not limited to Facebook. That crafty Mark, however, is trying to plant his flag on it, given that Facebook isn't doing very well lately (on the one hand it has to deal with a continuous series of "ethical" scandals, on the other its advertising revenues are put in jeopardy serious danger from blocking cookies on IOS devices). But coming back to us, what are metaverses? Nothing but digital worlds in which people will be involved on a sensorial level thanks to the use of viewers.
Obviously this is a much more immersive idea of the web than the current one, in which audio and images will play an even more important role. As a web expert, I have no doubt that within a few years metaverses will become as much a part of our daily lives as social media are today. But as an SEO consultant, the questions that come to mind are different: how will things be searched for within the metaverse (or metaverses)? Will we still use Google? And, if so, how will the search engine adapt? Obviously I don't have the answers in my pocket.