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What should you look at when it comes to inbound links?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:31 am
by mayaboti
For local SEO purposes, the structured data that you absolutely can’t avoid are those related to the address, contact numbers, opening hours and social media profiles. To see them all, I suggest you take a look at the Local Business tab on You have no idea what I’m talking about and your ears are smoking? I recommend you read this article: Structured data: make your content shine on the SERPs 4) Local links Again, we are talking about a more important factor for the website: local links.

Above all: Website authority Anchor text keywords sri lanka number data Crystal clear, right? Ok, now let's try to address links from the point of view of entities. In fact, what is a link, if not the explicit connection between one entity and another? Since proximity is a fundamental factor in local SEO, you could try to obtain proximity backlinks with your business contacts: partners, suppliers, customers, etc. Yes, in this case, links from businesses that only have in common with you… the location could also work well! You can also try to optimize anchor texts to promote particular products, services or target audiences.

Note: if you have several locations, perhaps in different locations, make sure that the inbound links point precisely to the page of your location of interest. You want to create a semantic relationship between your entity and a certain geographic location, remember? 5) Behavioral signals If you follow this blog, you know that I have been breaking people's balls for a while now, underlining the ever-increasing importance of signals related to user behavior and user experience. Even if there is no major research in this direction, it is logical to think that Google will give increasing weight to factors of this type also in local SERPs - if it is not already doing so.