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Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:08 am
by mayaboti
Now we get to it. HOW LONG MUST A TEXT BE TO WORK WELL ON SEARCH ENGINES? Let’s get this out of the way once and for all… On the question of length, there are many studies and points of view that say everything and the opposite of everything. My personal rule, in absolute terms, is this: A text must be long enough to synthetically and precisely satisfy the search intent of your users. However, I cannot ignore some data.

Several very important case studies – like this one south korea number data below (source: quicksprout) – have shown that articles of +2000 words are generally more performing than shorter ones, and many agree that Google tends to prefer content rich in useful and interesting information. seo copywriting long articles position themselves better on search engines In any case, although the length of the article is generally thought of as one of the most important SEO copywriting factors, you should know that this aspect is actually only one of the elements taken into consideration by Google.

Worrying about writing long articles without making sure that they are consistent and truly interesting for your target is a clumsy and foolish mistake. So try to avoid soups, but don't even start writing epigrams! One more word if it's helpful is always better than one less. Bonus tip. When in doubt, take a look at how long the texts of competitors are in the SERP you're interested in... and then do your math! (Guess where we talked about this topic at length? That's right, right in the Visible Writing course!) This is where we forget about keywords, queries and technicalities for a moment and dust off the basic concept behind online writing: communication.