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A job for life. A snapshot of the worker of yesterday and today

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:03 am
by ayeshshiddika11

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Written by Chema Garcia
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When I consider writing this post, several concepts come to mind. On the one hand, I think that the worker has changed because the performance of his or her duties has changed, but also because the labor market is no longer the same .

I think of those people who, after a lifetime working for the same company, tied to a schedule, an office, workshop or factory with a time clock and a controlling boss, celebrated their retirement dinner with the classic gift of a gold watch...those were different times.

Today's worker can no longer think jamaica phone data about spending those years in a company, and almost no longer thinks about retiring... the current dynamic is to integrate into the labor market in a more flexible way , since working conditions have changed.

Today's workers with digital devices

Flexibility involves several axes:
One, that of measurement in performance and organization.
The second will affect human resources management.
The third axis for me involves the assumption by workers of their role as independent professionals , not always linked to a company.