How Do You Track and Measure Success?
Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:22 am
SEO tends to be a long game. GMB management strategies at Digital Shift are often able to deliver significant results after only three to four months, but it can take longer (or sometimes less time) depending on your current GMB situation and the service area you're working in. For example, in the past we have been able to see results for a client in just a few weeks by fixing their incorrect GMB setup.
It's important to get concrete evidence that your GMB manager is actually improving metrics such as your local ranking, clicks to your website, and phone calls from potential customers. The built-in Google My Business Insights on your business dashboard are a good place to start, but they don't tell you everything and can be difficult to interpret if you're not practiced at digital marketing. Your manager should provide frequent, easy-to-understand reports that demonstrate clear growth with stats such as rankings, click, store visits, and phone calls to prove marketing success, and should take the time to walk you through the reports in such a way that india phone number list understand them and answer any questions you may have.
At Digital Shift, our number one marker of success is an increase in your revenue. After all, that's the end goal—clicks and engagement are good, but creating loyal, paying customers is better. We confirm that your increased revenue is related to our efforts by showing you statistics and graphs that demonstrate an increase in GMB calls, site traffic, and local rankings, among other information.
7. Is Your Service Exclusive in My Area?
Many people don't think to ask this, but it's critically important. If a company is managing GMB accounts for your competitors in your industry and service area, they are actively working against your interests. It may feel like area doesn't matter so much—after all, the internet is global, right? That may be true, but search results are not global. The proximity to searcher factor means that your Google rankings are in direct competition with local businesses in your area, and a GMB manager can't work on competing listings without hurting their own clients.
Digital Shift will only ever work with one client in any given industry and service area at a time to avoid conflicts of interest. Once you sign on with us we will turn away any of your competitors who seek our services, so you can rest assured that we are using our proven strategies for your benefit only.
8. Do You Always Follow Google's Best Practices?
Since SEO in general and GMB management in particular have been a part of business practices, there have been companies that try to find loopholes and game the system to get an advantage. That's why Google has so many policies and best practice guidelines in place to avoid unfair, unethical practices. Honest business owners will, of course, want to play by the rules—and it's important to make sure that your Google My Business manager is using ethical practices as well. If they don't, your GMB listing could be penalized or even suspended altogether, which will set you back considerably.
It's important to get concrete evidence that your GMB manager is actually improving metrics such as your local ranking, clicks to your website, and phone calls from potential customers. The built-in Google My Business Insights on your business dashboard are a good place to start, but they don't tell you everything and can be difficult to interpret if you're not practiced at digital marketing. Your manager should provide frequent, easy-to-understand reports that demonstrate clear growth with stats such as rankings, click, store visits, and phone calls to prove marketing success, and should take the time to walk you through the reports in such a way that india phone number list understand them and answer any questions you may have.
At Digital Shift, our number one marker of success is an increase in your revenue. After all, that's the end goal—clicks and engagement are good, but creating loyal, paying customers is better. We confirm that your increased revenue is related to our efforts by showing you statistics and graphs that demonstrate an increase in GMB calls, site traffic, and local rankings, among other information.
7. Is Your Service Exclusive in My Area?
Many people don't think to ask this, but it's critically important. If a company is managing GMB accounts for your competitors in your industry and service area, they are actively working against your interests. It may feel like area doesn't matter so much—after all, the internet is global, right? That may be true, but search results are not global. The proximity to searcher factor means that your Google rankings are in direct competition with local businesses in your area, and a GMB manager can't work on competing listings without hurting their own clients.
Digital Shift will only ever work with one client in any given industry and service area at a time to avoid conflicts of interest. Once you sign on with us we will turn away any of your competitors who seek our services, so you can rest assured that we are using our proven strategies for your benefit only.
8. Do You Always Follow Google's Best Practices?
Since SEO in general and GMB management in particular have been a part of business practices, there have been companies that try to find loopholes and game the system to get an advantage. That's why Google has so many policies and best practice guidelines in place to avoid unfair, unethical practices. Honest business owners will, of course, want to play by the rules—and it's important to make sure that your Google My Business manager is using ethical practices as well. If they don't, your GMB listing could be penalized or even suspended altogether, which will set you back considerably.