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Help Center already refers to the previous criteria

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:15 am
by mayaboti
But now things are about to change, apparently. Twitter Blue The first sign of change appeared in late 2022, after a very controversial year on Twitter. To refresh your memory very briefly, in November of that year, right after becoming the new Twitter CEO, Elon Musk rolled out the first version of Twitter Blue, its premium subscription service that allows any user to purchase the blue stamp for only $8 per month.

The whole thing was a little chaotic when a lot of fake french email list accounts start impersonating brands and relevant identities in the app. So, it became clear very quickly that Twitter wasn’t ready to start selling the blue stamp, and Elon Musk took a step back and “killed” Twitter Blue just a few hours after launching it. But, just long enough to establish better (and solid) criteria to avoid chaos, and re-launched it a month later.

Now, it’s official: any Twitter account that meets its eligibility criteria will be able to purchase the blue checkmark starting at $8 per month and will become a verified account. And, this time, it looks like Twitter Blue is here to stay: Twitter’s (that one based on authenticity) as “legacy” . Meta Verified And just like dejá-vù, Meta once again followed the same steps and announced the first tests for Meta Verified for Instagram and Facebook, starting at $11.