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A story of altruism to make the

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 10:40 am
by fomayof928@mowline
A story of altruism to make the magic of Christmas come true. POSTEN: When Harry Met Santa Claus Posten , the Norwegian postal service, has created a very special Christmas advert to celebrate both Christmas and the 50th anniversary of the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Norway. Harry, a fifty-year-old Norwegian, falls in love with Santa Claus. After years of meeting for a few seconds during Christmas nights, Harry reveals his love to Santa Claus. In order to spend more time with him, Santa Claus asks Posten for help in delivering presents.

The commercial ends with their first kiss. Christmas for brands: italy phone number list small ingredients for big results Solidarity , empathy , joy and optimism are the ingredients of Christmas marketing this Christmas 2021. Big global brands are using the run-up to the holidays not only to sell, but above all to launch positive messages that increase brand awareness and reputation.I have been working in OTO since 2014 and I am a Web Copywriter Specialist . What I do during my day is write content for websites, for social media and I specialize in writing SEO content, therefore interesting content for search engines.

Hobbies and Passions In addition to working in OTO, I love sports , I have been an athlete for many years and I am an aqua fitness teacher. I like running and practicing different sports . Other passions? I am an Inter fan, I like cooking and drawing. Favorite app, tool or platform Asking a Copywriter for their favorite software is really hard but there is one that is Quik , I use it to make amateur videos especially about my passions .