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A social media account (often on platform

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:39 am
by zihadhosenjm80
A social media account (often on platforms like Twitter or Instagram) that’s set up by an automated process and not a real person—to falsely boost follower count or the number of engagements your posts get.

50. Bounce Rate
According to Google, a bounce is a single-page session on your website. In other words, it is the percentage of people who viewed one page before leaving your blog. The bounce rate is a web analytics measure that tracks the behavior of visitors on a website or a page within a website. The bounce rate is one of the most important metrics you can keep an eye on in Google Analytics because it indicates how engaged your readers are.

Bounce Rate Blogging Terms Explained Screenshot
51. Backlink
A backlink is a link from another website that points to a post (or page) on your blog. A backlink usually takes you from one website to another with information related to the topic you were reading about—or at the very least, related to the hyperlink’s anchor text.

52. Beta Reader
An early test reader of your blog who gives you feedback on the quality of your content.

53. Black Hat SEO
Frowned upon, discouraged, or even illegal search engine optimization algeria phone number material used to gain SEO benefits and increase your blog’s rankings in organic search positions.

C — Blogging Terms
Alright, now blogging terms that begin with the letter C.

54. Call to Action
Also known as a CTA, that’s put in place by a blogger that wants to prompt readers into taking specific action (that’s ideally relevant to the topic at hand).

For example, here’s a relevant CTA to head over and read my free guide to starting a blog:

Want to Start Your Blog (the Right Way)?
Check out my ultimate guide How to Start a Blog (on the Side).

Read Now
An even more sophisticated version of the call to action is a QR code—here are my picks for the best QR code generators to try today.

55. Category
Bloggers use a category or label tag to post based on a specific topic or niche on their blog.

56. Click Bait
Sensational or even misleading headlines that are designed to trick readers into thinking the content contains information that it doesn’t. Usually done to make the content highly shareable. Think Buzzfeed headlines.

57. Click-Through Rate