Rules for handling room material

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Rules for handling room material

Post by Bappy12 »

This is why there are standards, such as the HACCP system, which are mandatory, but there are also other techniques and organisation methods that are important to know and which we discuss in this post.

Essential maintenance and cleaning techniques in the hospitality industry.
HACCP system
To properly implement the HACCP system, staff must carry out checks from the moment the product arrives in the kitchen until it is served in the dining room. Managers must indicate in the action protocols the necessary indications to identify where critical points may occur and how to verify that the service is carried out correctly from the point of view of hygiene and health.

In accordance with the regulations, the application of this system involves the development of seven points:

Define and know the product
Identify the hazards
Establish critical points
Assign a series of limits to the established critical points
Establish surveillance methods
Establish a plan with established corrective measures.
Verify the operation of the system, documenting and recording the information.
organized and sanitized kitchen supplies

There are other systems that can be implemented, one of them being the “Sinner Circle”. Through this methodology, work and controls are established based on four variable factors through which optimal levels of cleanliness and hygiene are maintained :

Mechanical work. Removing dirt mechanically requires knowing the tools to use to avoid damaging the surface.
Chemical action. We will follow the instructions and doses indicated by the manufacturer of the product used, since we could damage the machinery due to improper or excessive use, both on surfaces and in machinery settings.
Temperature: It has double importance because it can damage a surface on its own and it is also a contributing element in possible chemical reactions of cleaning products.
Time : This will be taken into account for the calculation of working hours and for specific jobs, in which certain products must be allowed to act, or for drying floors and countertops.

organized and sanitized room material

In order for all the material in a room to be optimally preserved, a series of rules must be taken into account during its use, such as correct handling, maintenance and conservation . The most important items for proper handling are specified below.

The living room and kitchen materials will be separated by type and in the office, kuwait number code cutlery and kitchen materials will have a personalized treatment based on the criteria of the Sinner circle.
Dishes and glassware will be washed separately, avoiding contact of grease on glasses and cups.
Materials should be stored in convenient and accessible places and should always be reviewed for use.
Suppliers of material will be chosen that are reliable, at a correct cost and that provide parts that are easy to clean, store and that the manufacturer's stock implies a quick replacement.
Inventories are essential, and stocks must be updated periodically in case of breakages or removal of very worn items. For large events or top-quality receptions, the material must be perfect and in the correct number of stocks.
For handling glassware, rack-type baskets will be used to guarantee maximum safety.

In short, the conclusion regarding this type of work is that by using the appropriate techniques and with a high level of staff involvement, safety and hygiene are easily controlled. In the event of possible organisational difficulties, at Cursos Femxa we recommend carrying out specific training that provides knowledge and motivation so that nothing is left to chance in an environment as socially important as a hospitality establishment.
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