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The secret to keeping your brand irresistible after the sales

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:28 am
by messi71
We often focus so much on preparing for periods that are so important for our brand, such as the summer sales, winter sales or Black Friday, that we forget to pay attention to what comes next.

Users have been bombarded for so long by powerful claims such as “50% off”, “2 for 1” or “last sizes at 80% off”, that it is very important to plan well what is going to be communicated afterwards in order to continue making an impact, or we run the risk of noticing a sharp drop in traffic, visibility and, therefore, in your brand’s sales.

It is therefore crucial to prepare adequately to maintain momentum and ensure continued growth. But how to do so?

How to keep your brand attractive after the sales
First of all, anticipation. The most important thing is not to be caught off guard and with little room for manoeuvre so as not to have good actions prepared. August is always a complex month in the Spanish market. We find ourselves in a month where most people (both buyers and brand employees) are on holiday and, therefore, many actions are postponed to September, such as shootings, changes to the website or launches.

Get ready for the sales and the new season
Plan your calendar in advance. During the last architectural industry email list week of sales, whether in August or early September, organise a powerful campaign to attract as much attention as possible and achieve the last sales peaks. A “last chance”, “last sizes”, “10% extra for 24 hours” are usually key to taking advantage of the last days of sales to finish rotating stock.

Once this is done, you have to have the new one fully prepared. Going back to the products before the sales, the same communication, but the price without the discount is a big mistake . You must provide something new to the user or new communication.

It is therefore important that the new season is well prepared for launch or has already been launched. Or at least, a capsule where a good part of the new collection is already shown.

If planning allows it and the new collection is announced before the sales end with a powerful claim, it is very likely that the user will remain immersed in the summer season, seeing discounted summer models and will not buy or pay much attention to these new releases. But it is important that they are at least aware that your brand has something to offer after the sales. And that as soon as we change season and the user is looking for autumn products or garments more focused on returning to the office, our brand will come to mind with our new collection. As we say, although sales of the new collection do not arrive until some time later, we will have gotten ahead of the competition and achieved visibility in time.

In short, look for something new and give it to your user, whether through a new collection, small drops or pre-sale packs where they see the new product.

Stock Rotation
Thanks to the new collections you will be rotating stock, but also if the sales have finished and you still have products from previous collections that you are interested in selling, prepare an outlet a few weeks after the sales start where you will definitely leave all the leftover stock, the latest sizes and collections, active at reduced prices that can coexist with the new collection on the web.