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Offer a paid or free e-book on the blog?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:27 am
by Abdur12
The e-book format has become very popular lately. The question that many bloggers are asking themselves is whether or not they should charge for this content.

Carlos Bravo13
Should I charge or not to charge for e-book content? Have you ever asked yourself this question? You may never have thought about it because creating this type of content requires time, which we all have very little of.

Free or paid e-bookPhoto rights by Fotolia

I recently posted a definition of what an e-book is and its advantages over a normal blog post. I'm not going to repeat it all again in this post, so if you're interested in why this content is so attractive to bloggers, I recommend taking a quick look at it before reading on.

Free e-book to attract subscribers by email
One of the most important sources of traffic for a blogger is jewelry store email list his email subscribers. Those who subscribe to the blog feed also provide value but are not as valuable as those who give you the most intimate thing in the digital world: email.

You have to be aware that subscribers are the blogger's treasure. You have to take good care of them because they tend to be the most loyal readers. There are different ways and techniques to increase the number of emails apart from offering a free e-book .

Article series : People subscribe because they want to receive posts from an announced series of articles from the blogger. Here you play on the reader's expectations and curiosity.
Quality of content : If you have shown me your ability to generate quality content in the past, I don't want to miss out on what you have to tell me in the future. To stay up to date, people subscribe because the articles provide them with value.
Intrusive pop-up techniques : you may have heard of those blogs that you visit for the first time and see a giant banner asking you to subscribe. Closing the window is almost impossible because the radius is no more than 1 mm.
Offering exclusive content in e-book format is probably one of the most effective techniques for attracting new subscribers. The goal is to add valuable information to a document. Here, the author explains, for example, in a tutorial format, how to achieve a specific goal (e.g. creating a blog ). In exchange, the “only” thing you have to do in exchange for receiving it is to give your email address.