Is it a good idea to make a “happy holidays” type post on my blog?

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Is it a good idea to make a “happy holidays” type post on my blog?

Post by Abdur12 »

It's obvious that we're about to start the holidays. You can't run away from anyone's happy holidays. Is it a good idea to do so on your blog?

Carlos Bravo13
It's that time of year again when we all love each other. Friends become new family members, acquaintances become friends, and enemies make peace for the next 2 weeks.

Happy HolidaysPhoto rights by Fotolia

The idea for this post came to me after logging back into my LinkedIn account a few days later and seeing about 7 posts titled “Happy Holidays” or something similar. One caught my attention because it included a “thank you” (just to show you how the details matter) and I clicked on the link. The post included a link to the blog that was a longer post japanese phone number example giving thanks and wishing a happy holiday. “What a load of rubbish” crossed my mind. Then I saw that the post had received over 14 comments . Taking a quick look at the rest of the posts I noticed that in general it showed almost no user engagement (3 comments in total out of the last 20 posts).

You may have thought after reading the title of the post that I was going to tell you the same thing that crossed my mind when I read the post linked from the message on LinkedIn. Well, no… I also remembered the post we wrote on Quondos wishing you happy holidays (so you can see the stupid things we do ) and which is already close to 200 comments .

What can I tell you? We love these things. Christmas is a time of year when we all love each other more than usual. We shouldn't judge it , but rather enjoy the fact that we all have our defenses down a bit and are open to this type of message. Who am I to tell you that you shouldn't do whatever the hell you want with your blog...
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