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As a rule, in a boiler room, the purpose

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:00 am
by shamimhasan07
Work processes
Natalia Volodina once again emphasized how important it is to know the object for which the information model is being created, and noted that she could not help but talk about the basic principles of the boiler’s operation, since they directly influenced the principles and speed of modeling.

Gas pipeline
The main function of the boiler is to transfer the thermal energy that occurs when fuel rufnummernliste is burned. And the gas pipeline is literally its “heart”. It is quite easy to spot a gas pipe in the point cloud, as it is always colored yellow. If your cloud is black and white, then this will be the pipe with the most reinforcement around it. The gas is supplied through the pipe to the burner, which ensures its combustion in the combustion chamber. Archived gas pipeline diagrams were of great help to White Tiger BIM engineers in modeling this entire network.

Feeding devices
The next important element for a boiler installation is the feeder devices. Finding them in the general abundance of pipes is quite difficult, but possible. This can be done in two ways:

of some pipelines is indicated by huge signs located along their entire length. With a well-assembled cloud, you will certainly be able to see the corresponding signature.
If you did not see the signs, you can first find the feeder unit, which is located under the boiler. Once you start untangling it, you will definitely find the full main line.
Other feeding devices, such as tanks and pumps, are designed to continuously supply the boiler with coolant (water). If you stop feeding the boiler with coolant even for a short time, it may overheat, resulting in an accident. All feeding devices must have a passport from the manufacturer, and therefore their name can be seen on the plates on the clouds of points.

If you look into the boiler room, you will also find huge pumps located near the boilers. These pumps are part of the building's arterial system, necessary for transporting clean water to the boiler. If you look closely, you will notice that their geometry is quite non-trivial. Therefore, in order to correctly model them, the White Tiger team cut out a point cloud separately for each pump, so as not to make a mistake in the dimensions or connection points. This way, they obtained separate families with simplified data categories and, without using parameterization, began to arrange the elements inside the building information model. Archive drawings and diagrams also significantly helped in this process.

White Tiger Engineering
Steam pipelines
Another important component of the boiler room is the steam pipes. They were easy to spot as they were located directly on top of the boiler and had a fairly large diameter of 500 mm. The purpose of the steam pipe is to transfer steam from the boiler to the distribution unit, where the heat is transferred to other systems or buildings. The steam pipe is usually well insulated to minimize heat loss.

Air ducts
To increase the efficiency of the boiler, draft machines and smoke exhausters are usually used, a kind of "boiler lungs". In the White Tiger project, they were located along the facade and provided connection to air ducts that go deep into the boiler building, including providing the hall with air necessary for fuel combustion and removal of combustion products. The air ducts had large square sections, so their identification also did not cause any problems.

Chapter 4. Boiler implementation
During the boiler house modeling, work was carried out in parallel to introduce a new structure — the fourth boiler. The customer's designers managed to develop a system capable of giving life to the new boiler, which was then quickly installed in the building. And since White Tiger's BIM engineers needed to display the actual boiler house model, they began actively introducing the new element into the building.

Natalia Volodina noted that the boiler model did not arrive in real scale, and it took additional work to fine-tune all the nuances. However, it only took two weeks, after which a detailed scaled model was obtained.

White Tiger Engineering
Chapter 5. Surveying works
The final set of works for the White Tiger team was assistance in drawing up the measured drawings. According to Natalia, there was nothing complicated about it: with the ready-made models and the full range of elements placed in it, they did everything quickly and efficiently.

The entire task consisted of five points, each of which implied carrying out measurement work on various technological elements of the boiler house. As a result, in one of the models, measurement drawings were formed according to the characteristics specified in the requirements, taking into account the use of some axonometric capabilities of Revit.