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Includes unique and personalized codes

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:41 am
by Suraihanseo320
Using the 160 characters to inform your audience about a special offer with an expiration date is the trick to follow. As you can see in the example, the brand has provided a tempting offer that expires on the same day. The urgency in the SMS could tempt the user to take advantage of this unprecedented moment.

5.- Use your target's jargon to give strength to the CTAs
CTAs for your SMS marketing strategy jargon

For the CTAs for your SMS Marketing strategy to be powerful, they must be accompanied by the right message. This means that the content, in addition to being in tune, must respond to the specific needs of the recipient.

And if you have to adapt to their lifestyle and use their jargon to do so, you whatsapp number in australia will have to do so. In fact, this way you could generate greater trust with the recipient. You will appear more approachable and work on humanizing your brand .

Custom code

You are looking to create CTAs for your SMS Marketing strategy and you may not have yet realized that the CTA alone will not generate results. It must be placed in a powerful context and needs to bring to life an attractive offer for the user who will receive the message.


In this case, personalization plays a key role. The message conveys its idea clearly and concisely. The user now has a VIP code with which he can make his purchases. In this way, the recipient himself feels that the advantage he is getting will not be enjoyed by all the brand's customers .

This is also a clear example of the best CTAs for your SMS Marketing strategy because the special offer is given a touch of urgency. The user not only feels unique and valued, but also knows that they must act as soon as possible if they do not want to miss this opportunity.

7.- Make sure your SMS are consistent to give value to the CTAs
CTAs for your SMS marketing strategy consistency

When marketing via SMS, you need to be consistent. Sending an SMS in the wrong way, without following a plan, can lead to higher opt-out rates and less forgiving behavior from your audience.