In addition to the propensity and intensity of use

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In addition to the propensity and intensity of use

Post by nrumohammad0 »

According to the study, 68% of “banked” Italians prefer using mobile banking (from smartphones) to other contact channels. A phenomenon that mostly affects the younger age groups (74% between 18 and 29 years old, 73% between 30 and 44 years old).

56 % of Italians prefer the use of home banking (from a PC) compared to other channels, especially the "less young" in the 55-65 age group who have been able to transform a necessity into a virtue (63%).

, the digital experience has also changed: for 64%, the use of online banking services afghanistan consumer email list has improved – a satisfaction rate that rises to 68% among those who have relationships with more than one institution (source: AGI).

The numbers are certainly more satisfactory than in previous years, but there are still many flaws regarding the bana-customer relationship.

In fact, it seems that if the so-called GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple) decided to enter the field and offer among their services also the possibility of managing money, Italians would be first in the European ranking with a 42% positive propensity; the French are more sceptical, of which only 20% would welcome such a scenario, followed by Germany with a lukewarm 25%.

The main weapon that the Italian banking sector can use against the big digital GAFA players, which technologies could allow to insinuate themselves into the financial market and occupy service niches, is precisely the customer experience. Traditional banks can still count on the value of physical contact and can, indeed must, capitalize on the “phygital” logic to their advantage , offering the customer the opportunity to choose the preferred access channel at any time (branch, mobile, web) while maintaining the same quality of experience and the same information heritage on each channel. Employees must transform themselves into real “brand ambassadors” who, through the innovative features guaranteed by digital, can provide high added value services.
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