They were born in 2020, a difficult time

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They were born in 2020, a difficult time

Post by Abdur14 »

This category rewards those eCommerces created in 2020 or from this year onwards that dare to compete with the big ones. Conditions that are met, and with flying colours, by the multi-category online store AllZone, whose annual turnover percentage in 2021/2022 exceeded 200%. Our jury has decided to award it gold for " its growth in a sector that is very complicated in terms of margins and difficult to gain customer trust due to the product category " . They have also pointed out that " if it continues on the path it is pointing out, it could soon be competing with the big ones" .

The award was received by María Serrano , Community Manager of AllZone, who thanked the entire team at her company for their work, " it is a joint award ."

when two entrepreneurial women decided to go all in estonia number data without external funding. They have now reached a large sales volume and have gone from being 3 people to more than 30. They already have more than 400,000 references on their platform. As María told us, marketing, social media and customer service have been fundamental pillars in their growth.

Best eCommerce Challenger: Klast Home
Finalists: Indola and Zunder

This category aims to recognise those eCommerce companies that in 2022 had a turnover of less than one million euros, but that in the not-too-distant future will participate in higher leagues thanks to their challenging spirit. And it is precisely the bold and innovative essence of Klast Home that has led it to victory.

The furniture brand introduced an AI-powered virtual assistant that improves the user experience by providing personalized guidance for finding products, which has increased its conversion rate by 20%. “A bold and revolutionary move, but one that also reveals a commitment to compliance and respect for users’ rights . ”
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