New opportunities, get to you. Filter them out. 4. Identify your best clients, and yes, get rid of the less promising ones. 5. Focus all your attention on your best clients. Nurture them, protect them, find out what they need and want more of and then repeat the same service or product to as many of those same clients as possible.What got you here wont get you there. The fearbased strategy that got me to my first million wont get me to tens of millions in revenue. Saying yes to everyone is a waste.
Of your precious resources time and money. Once you get past the early years of entrepreneurship, success is no longer measured in numbers alone. So, lets create a starting action plan for you. First, find your purpose. If your uk telegram number dream is to get rich, thats not enough. Remind yourself why you started your business. What excites you? What purpose do you want to serve? If you know this, it will resonate with your best customers. Remember your hard rules. When you think about why you want to do this, remember that your values are inextricably linked to it. Your values.
Are your rules, and follow them relentlessly. Now set a revenue goal for the year. How much revenue do you need to get to get the heart of your business beating faster? Ask yourself bigger, more important questions. Instead of wondering why youre having problems, think about how you can bring home, say, 2,000 every day. That way, youll focus on the answer, not the problem. We wish you great success! Localization of the material WEEDING OUT YOUR BEST CLIENTS by Mike Michalowicz, an outstanding entrepreneur and marketer, an unrivaled business practitioner. In this article, Mike Michalowicz gives recommendations on.