When can you stop writing new content?

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When can you stop writing new content?

Post by mayaboti »

Ballast pages make it more difficult to reach your positioning goals, they are a dead weight that you carry around. How to find blog pages that are causing you to lose traffic Some dead weights, if improved, can become resources. Others will have to be mercilessly eliminated. In any case, you definitely have work to do! To recap, In two cases: If you have exhausted your editorial plan (and there is no point in adding anything else) If you haven't exhausted your editorial plan but the content isn't working Your project must work in its entirety.

In other words, the blog must generate traffic, it switzerland number data must generate conversions and money. So try not to focus only on the writing intended between you and you, but on the project. Define some performances and then go and verify the achievement, and then repeat, cyclically. In short, work by adding one piece at a time, one brick after another. Be careful, I'm not saying don't write a new article until the first one has ranked! But if after 12/16 months of work your site is struggling to position itself on 10 articles, perhaps it's time to stop for a moment and review what you've done.

It's kind of the same concept as when you cook at home. If as you progress with the preparation you also worry about washing and arranging the utensils you used, in the end you will find yourself with few chores to do. However, if you let the pans pile up in the bucket and the prep surface remains dirty, you will eventually have a mountain of work to do to get everything right. With the blog the concept is a bit the same: the more you leave stuff behind to tidy up, the more the mess grows.
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