They have long bodies, large eyes,

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They have long bodies, large eyes,

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

Pins They have hundreds of tiny tube feet that help them move and catch food. Unique diet Starfish love to eat clams and oysters. They use their strong arms to pry open the shells and enjoy their delicious meal. Squids: cunning cephalopods Squids are fascinating marine creatures that belong to the same family as octopuses and cuttlefish.

They have long bodies, large eyes, and ten arms. afghanistan whatsapp resource Squids are known for their incredible speed and ability to blend into their surroundings. Cool Things About Squid Jet propulsion Squids can shoot water out of their bodies and hurtle through the ocean like a rocket. Discoloration They can change color to hide from predators or to communicate with other squids.

Ink Defense When a squid is frightened, it sprays out ink, creating a dark cloud, to escape danger. Seaweed: The Green Gold of the Ocean Seaweed is a type of algae that grows in the ocean. It may look like underwater grass, but it's actually very important to marine life and even to us! Types of seaweed Green Algae Green algae are commonly found in shallow waters and are a source of food for many marine animals.
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