Mireia Suárez: “A good communicator is not born, but made”

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Mireia Suárez: “A good communicator is not born, but made”

Post by ayeshshiddika11 »


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Written by Miriam Iglesias Otero
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Mireia Suárez is a specialist in communication and marketing. She trained in journalism and soon realized that communication went beyond that.

She has nearly 20 years of experience in the sector and, through MISUQUI, her communications consultancy, she helps companies tell their story and communicate their work effectively because, as she herself points out, “if you don't tell it, you don't exist.”

Communication in the current context
You studied journalism at the University of Santiago de Compostela and are currently a communications and marketing consultant. Did your interest in corporate communication arise while you were studying or did you discover it later?
Like many of my colleagues, I came to the Faculty of Journalism with an idealized vision of journalism. Then you discover that not all journalists are war correspondents or film critics, and that lithuania phone data there is life beyond the media . Throughout my career I have been able to get to know the media from within, but communication is a very broad and varied field, and journalists have a lot to contribute from the business side as well . Having developed both facets provides very valuable knowledge to offer to our current clients ; life places you in the place where you need to be.

In 2015 you decided to create your own communications consultancy. What led you to make this decision? And what do you do at MISUQUI?
I have always valued freedom of thought, decision, and action, but you can only afford that when you have enough experience to know what you want. When you have your own business, you are free to decide which projects you identify with, who you want to work with, and how you want to do it. For me, that has been our success, believing in the projects that have been placed in our hands.

At Misuqui we work with public and private companies, professionals and entities of various kinds, helping them to communicate effectively with a personalized strategy that strengthens the relationship with their target audience and their positioning in the market.
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