One solution to this could be a table

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One solution to this could be a table

Post by ariful199 »

The best thing to do is to build your own website that offers content worth reading, then the visitors will come on their own over time. And then it won't be a problem to generate sales in the Amazon affiliate program.Automatically display table of contents in WordPress blog + plugin tips 23.01.2020 Peer Wandiger 23 comments Automatically display table of contents in WordPress blog + plugin tipsAnyone who not only publishes news but also writes detailed and in-depth articles often faces the problem that readers are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of text.

One solution to this could be a table of contents for the individual vietnam whatsapp articles, as is known from Wikipedia, for example. Below I present two plugins for WordPress that can be used to automatically display a table of contents in an article. I will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this solution and describe my own experiences with it. Contents Manually display the table of contents in the article In fact, it is very easy to create a table of contents in your own blog articles.

Simply manually insert internal links at the beginning of the article and structure it as a table of contents. This is possible with so-called jump marks , which can be defined in HTML using the format <a name="Jump mark1"></a> and placed at the respective point in the article where a new section begins. However, it is better to use the id attribute instead, which you can then insert into a heading, for example: <h2 id="Jumpmark1">Heading</h2> Now you just have to link these jump marks in the table of contents, which is done according to the scheme: <a href="#Jump mark1">to XY</a> So it is quite easy to create your own table of contents.
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