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Reputation – Online too!

Post by ayeshshiddika11 »

Differentiate yourself from the competition and be personal
A few minutes ago, I read in the newspaper that signature burgers are all the rage in my city. Think about it. We are more willing to pay more for a product like a burger that we can find for less anywhere else.

But why? The truth is that it's not just about the burger, or its quality or the number of different seeds in the bun it's served on. It's also about the atmosphere of the place, its image, and how perfectly presented the burger arrives at your table.

Seek to create experiences. Do your best to get into your client's imagination. Specialize. Make them feel.

Everything that happens in your store helps you sell and communicate. Express your own values ​​and personalize it as much as possible.

Sometimes too much effort is put into creating a perfectly decorated place and little focus is put on humanizing it; and humanizing your proposal will bring you closer to customers and will make you work in a “nice” place, as well as in a place with soul.

In a hospitality business there are many kenya phone data details that affect your image and your profitability. Whether it is a small family business, a “starred” restaurant or a food truck, make sure you leave no stone unturned.

Put yourself in the situation. One of your customers comes in and orders a drink. It doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't matter if it's a coffee or the most elaborate dish in the world. Most likely, if he likes what he sees, he will react the same way to any of them: take a photo!

It's fantastic, don't you think? You may still think it's a bit absurd, but it's a fantastic marketing and promotional action that you're benefiting from - and it's totally free! This client is sharing what you just served them on their social networks with the world, and they're most likely geolocating it and mentioning you specifically.

We photograph almost everything we eat, but only if it is carefully presented. And to help you with the technique, we have a specific course so you can learn about marketing and give the best image of your dishes.
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