Does the future hold a return to oral tradition in a 3.0 key?

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Does the future hold a return to oral tradition in a 3.0 key?

Post by mayaboti »

Being able to listen - instead of reading - to a text could guarantee an edge in terms of learning and optimizing time. What is Amazon Polly The strength of Amazon Polly, unlike other converters, is precisely the ability to reproduce a written text in a natural voice . Forget the concept of standardized voice reproductions: Amazon Polly is flexible and speaks 24 languages, distinguishing itself by characteristics typical of the human voice.

In fact, it offers the possibility of choosing the iraq email list most suitable tone of voice among the 48 available, depending on the context in which the text must be reproduced. It can also modulate fundamental aspects such as vocal timbres, expressive tones, accents, whispers which contribute to the fluidity and naturalness of vocal reproduction. WordPress Plugins Amazon Polly is just one of many plugins for WordPress . The winning weapon of these optional activities - which can be installed both on PC and mobile - lies in the ability to improve the user experience.

Here's why Polly is the future: In addition to correct pronunciation in numerous languages, Amazon Polly allows you to read texts quickly and effectively. Thanks to these characteristics, it therefore lends itself to being a valid support in the e-learning field, especially for people with disabilities such as visually impaired or blind people, or in cases of dyslexia. The new plugin can be used in different areas of communication : from the study of a new language to linguistic mediation, as well as professional webinars, customer care services, the world of video gaming and entertainment.
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