Date and Time: Date, time,

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Date and Time: Date, time,

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

Here are three examples: Retrieving customer information: SELECT firstname, lastname, address, city, state, zip FROM customer; Inserting rows: INSERT INTO customer (firstname, lastname, address, city) VALUES ('Andrew', 'Williams', ‘75 Rose View’, 'Miami', ‘FL’, 33126); Updating customer information: UPDATE customer SET address = “175 Ocean City” WHERE lastname = ‘Williams’; Data types in mariadb MariaDB supports various data types: numeric, string, date and time. Here is a quick overview: Numeric: Tinyint, boolean, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint, float, double, and bit.

Date and Time: Date, time, datetime, timestamp, and year venezuela phone number list . Strings: char, varchar, binary, blob, text, enum, and set. Mariadb community and paid versions MariaDB Community Server is free and open source forever under the GNU Public License v2. There are also Enterprise versions that offer additional features like MariaDB MaxScale and application connectors, as well as a cloud version called SkySQL. Want to learn more about how MariaDB can revolutionize your business? Contact us and together we will understand how we can help you! Did you like this article? Don't forget to check out our other blog posts to stay up to date with the latest tech news! Stay awesome, stay connected! 🚀 How (and why) to activate a let's encrypt certificate: here's the tutorial Have you ever heard of Let's Encrypt when it comes to HTTPS and security for your website or blog? I bet you have! It is one of the most popular solutions, especially for personal projects and small businesses.
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