It is on this point that I

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It is on this point that I

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

For this reason, we need to make more fundamental changes to Airbnb by reducing the size of our workforce and focusing it on a more focused business strategy» . User eXperience and Covid On the other hand, Airbnb, which in just over 10 years of existence has come to be valued at 31 billion dollars (2017), has had to completely find countermeasures : rethink its business model and consequently its UX .

It is on this point that I would like to share with you some steps that Airbnb has implemented at the User Experience level to deal with this apocalypse. Before talking about Airbnb's UX in the time of thailand phone number list Covid, I'd like to take a few steps back and first of all give a starting definition of UX, so as to be aligned on a topic that in recent years has been on everyone's lips at a digital level but which in my opinion always needs to be framed in its true nature.

Secondly, I would also like to highlight other fundamental steps that Airbnb, which from this point of view we must consider a model , has already addressed in recent years at the UX level and which have given an extraordinary boost to the brand's notoriety and above all to its turnover. UX: User Satisfaction UX in the time of Covid, the Airbnb case I would start with the definition that one of the fathers of UX, Don Norman, gives on the topic of User Experience: «It's everything! It's the way you experience the world , it's the way you live your life, it's the experience you live using a service or an app or an interface.
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