The sign of a good usability test is when you're holding back the tears because they told you the truth about the proble

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The sign of a good usability test is when you're holding back the tears because they told you the truth about the proble

Post by zihadhasan012 »

I've been so caught up with increasing my clients' ranking and traffic, that I have not been giving nearly enough attention to making sure that the visitors we do get become customers. Sure, I have dabbled in this a little bit by removing extraneous text from my forms, moving the important stuff above the fold, and dropping in a few starburst graphics to get attention, but damn, I have a lot to learn. Fortunately, Ben's presentation was full of great advice and direction.

There are many things you can and should be doing t jordan mobile phone numbers database o better understand your customer's needs so that you can properly address them on your website. If I had to pick out a few pieces of wisdom from the presentation for you, it would be these: Implement tools on your website to learn from your customers. Find out what their objections are to buying your product, signing up for your service, subscribing to your e-newsletter, or whatever conversion goals you have, and then make sure you address those objections clearly on your site.

Get some unbiased feedback on your website (not from your friends or family.) Ben's tip: ask someone at a café if they wouldn't mind giving you some feedback on your site. Tell them you've just had it redesigned and you're just not sure about it. Offer to buy them a coffee. One of the best quotes from the seminar was when Ben said something like ".
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