In the world of blogs there is no competition

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In the world of blogs there is no competition

Post by Abdur12 »

Stop obsessing over the idea that you have to compete with other bloggers in your niche. Stop the nonsense and start collaborating with them.

Carlos Bravo18
Creating this blog 3 years ago is one of the best things I have done in recent years. It gives me enormous personal satisfaction to know that every day there are people who come here reading what I write. It has not been easy to go from having only your mother, your partner and 2 or 3 people from the company reading you.

There is no competition in bloggingPhoto rights by Fotolia

If you start a blog today, you have a long road ahead of job seeker number you. It will take you 1 to 3 years to have a blog that is read. Don't delude yourself that you can succeed in a short time because miracles don't exist. This is work and that's it.

Blogging doesn't have to be a lonely struggle
Although it may not be easy, things get complicated if you think that you have to go this route alone. Especially in the beginning, bloggers think a lot in terms of competition. Although it is difficult to understand, helping each other brings much more than trying to fight each other.

There's room for everyone : Google has 10 positions for every keyword. Now think about the multitude of 2-3 keyword combinations out there and how much room there is for everyone.
Readers read more than 1 blog : Most people don't have just one favorite blog. They often go through several blogs even if it's just to compare opinions on a topic.
You have more fun : This is a personal opinion (like most things on this blog) but I enjoy collaborating more than fighting other bloggers. Try it and you'll see that you might also benefit from meeting other people in your niche.
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