Returning to the title of the blog post, I drew Tunisia in our World Cup sweepstake and this analysis has given me some faith that they may perform better than I expected!
One final note is that a variation of the above unbeaten streak analysis could be used to try and answer a much trickier set of questions – ‘Which international team had the longest unbeaten streak in terms of time? How long did it last? Who beat them to end the run?’ (4)
I suppose all World Cup blogs should cyprus mobile numbers probably try to make at least some predictions on who is going to do well, and I’m going to base mine on the unbeaten streak analysis that I showed earlier. Therefore I’m looking forward to a Belgium v Spain match to decide the winner of the World Cup 2018.
In this blog post we’re going to look at some practical situations in which we can make use of the powerful location expression functions available in Apteco FastStatsⓇ. and different types of location data. Some of these have come direct from openly available data sources, and some we’ve had to programmatically scrape from the web. In addition to demonstrating these expressions, we’ll visualise some of the results using the Mapping capabilities within the software.
Distance and Locality functions using UK Postcodes
The first example we’re going to use is from our standard Holidays training database. There are a set of expression functions that are calculated from UK postcodes using a standard library of postcode and location information. In this particular dataset locations are stored as postcodes.