Which channels do you use?

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Which channels do you use?

Post by arzina998 »

The common thread in the (online) marketing strategy forest
What is the current situation of our company?
Where do we want to go?
Which target group do we serve?
What does the average customer journey look like for our products?
Which (SMART) objectives do we want to achieve?
Which KPIs do we use to measure whether the objectives are actually achieved? (Align these with the different phases of the customer journey)
Which online marketing channels should we use to achieve the objectives?
What activities do we need to perform to achieve the objectives?
When do we do what? ( roadmap /action plan)
In order to formulate a marketing strategy, as a company you obviously need to take a moment to consider your objectives, market position and, among other things, your strengths and weaknesses. This also applies to the online part of your marketing strategy. For the first steps in determining and formulating a marketing strategy, it is therefore a logical step to dust off the well-known marketing models such as DESTEP , SWOT and BCG Matrix . Do you already have this? Well done, then we can move on to the fun stuff , online marketing!

After analyzing the internal and external situation, you know which objectives you want to achieve and in which time frame you would like to do this. But which online marketing channels do you use for this? How do you calculate these channels? And which KPIs do you attach to which channel? Even better: which KPIs do you link to which phase of the customer journey? To answer these questions, we at Traffic Builders have developed the REAN® model.

The REAN® model
An important trend in contemporary high school coaches email list marketing is individualization. As individuals, we want to be as unique as possible. But where we as consumers are increasingly individualizing, this trend is not visible in the orientation behavior for the majority of consumers. So we remain herd animals when it comes to how we behave.

People go through the same orientation processes from 'reach' to 'nurture'. We infect each other with regard to orientation behavior and also really want to be convinced that we are buying the right product. That is of course nice for us marketers, because it allows us to align our efforts with a number of different phases within the customer journey. The REAN® model consists of four different phases.

Also read: Structure in your web analytics: determine KPIs with the REAN model
1. Reach
The reach phase is the phase in which reaching your target group is central. This phase is focused on creating brand awareness and is therefore often used to introduce the consumer to your brand and/or product. Although this is the phase in which the fewest conversions will occur, this is the moment where you need to be present as a brand. Because if you are not included in the reach phase, the chance that you will even be included as a brand in later phases of the customer journey is up to three times smaller.
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