Hurdle #7: You are a multitasker
You don't believe in flow?
Then you have never experienced it. Probably because you are not really writing when you write.
Do you check your emails in between? Do you make yourself a coffee first? Do you tinker with the structure of the text while you're hammering it into the keyboard?
Keep doing this and you will never know how it feels when IT writes you.
This was written by the slave and later respected author Publius Syrus in the first century BC.
His view has now been supported by hundreds of scientific studies.
Multitaskers take longer, make cameroon telegram screening more mistakes, often make wrong decisions, experience more negative stress, have less fun at work and certainly have worse sex.
Jogi Löw would say: Writing a good text requires “the utmost concentration.”
I prefer another word. It's a bit out of fashion. But it gets to the heart of what this is about:
Commit yourself fully to every single step in your writing process!
When you research, you research.
Then you clarify what of all this stuff your readers are actually interested in. Your only task in this phase of the writing process is to define the goal of your text, find the message for your readers!