Every failure was not a defeat for him. Instead, he ticked a box on his long list: “Ok, so that doesn’t work either…”
Gutenberg had to find the right alloy for his letters. He went bankrupt. He took on debt after debt and died a poor man. But today we have him to thank for the dawn of the modern era.
With every bad text I find a new way that doesn't work. I try a new headline - I see the number of readers drop.
I try a different text structure and hear from readers: “Your text is confusing.”
With every bad text I come brazil telegram screening one step closer to the good text.Share on X
Am I devastated?
No, I learned something.
2) I don't know when the gold treasure will come
One day, a gold digger set out to look for gold. Highly motivated, he dug his first hole. He dug and chopped as hard as he could.
But after 9,999 shovels he gave up. The gold treasure was perhaps only one shovel away. Or two shovels or ten?
The fact is: we will never know.
Why? Because the gold digger gave up.
If I stop writing, then I have already lost.Share on X
I don't know how far away my "big break" is. You don't know either. Maybe your breakthrough is only 5 bad texts away. Maybe 100.