Who are people still copying from these days?
Claude C. Hopkins.
Pioneer and forefather of all copywriters.
We have him to thank for the principles that have generated tens of billions in sales for over 150 years when used in advertising by the right copywriters.
Everything that is taken for granted in advertising today, he either invented or improved.
What can you learn from the great-grandfather of copywriting?
First the unpleasant truth:
If we meet a beggar at the train station at 11:17 p.m. who begs us for money with a desperate face, we avoid him.
Many turn away from him.
What am I getting at?
Never put yourself in the position of a supplicant.
Just as the homeless person is avoided at the train station, your customers will also avoid you.
Because you radiate bahrain telegram screening neediness.
You are essentially telling your customer:
I'm broke. I need your money. Please buy my product.
Don't do that.
Do it like Claude Hopkins:
Give your customer the chance to buy from you.
Show your customer what the product can do for them. Show the benefits (this works very well with bullet points ).
And then what?
Then you offer him the opportunity to enjoy the benefits – for money, of course.
If he wants that benefit, he's welcome to buy - but of course you don't need his money.
If you want to learn more about why some principles have worked for over 100 years, I recommend his book.