Twitter Cards

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Twitter Cards

Post by tasmih1234 »

Twitter Cards offer a good way to display content from the social network in Google search. The information here comes from a Twitter profile. A short text and an image are used to encourage the user to read on.
carousel display
Carousel ad formats are particularly common for search queries that revolve around recipes, films, restaurants or a selection of courses. For example, recipes show various recipe ideas for a specific dish, and films show a large selection of films, as can be seen in the following image for the search term “action film”.

Carousel ad for the search term "Action Film". (As of: June 1, 2021)
These integrations are particularly visible on mobile devices and can be operated intuitively by swiping. As before, structured data for the corresponding content type is required so that the content can appear here.
Knowledge Graph
The knowledge graph forms the basis for the information collection that is south korea mobile numbers list necessary to display related information. Connections are made between pieces of information (attributes) that form a network of facts on a topic (ontology). These nodes between pieces of information are also referred to as entities.
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The data basis for the Knowledge Graph consists of websites, search queries, databases, Wikipedia and Google's own sources. The aim is to create semantic connections and thus fully describe a thematic context and answer the user's search intent in a more targeted manner.
Knowledge Graph
Entities box for the search term "Osnabrück". (As of: 01.06.2021
Due to the constant expansion of the information base of the Knowledge Graph, fluctuations in the rankings can occur if a shift in priorities takes place. The entity boxes show the user the information from the Knowledge Graph in the search results. Particularly relevant information on the topic being searched for is additionally displayed in a box and helps the user to search for comprehensive information.
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