My first contact with Digital Marketing

In a routine way, my first contact with marketing was in 2014, through the dropshipping wave. I did some crazy things in the middle, where CSGO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) skins were my niche, advertisements on betting sites using my code in posts linked to CSGO groups, and re-inclusion in some articles, about the game! So, they used saudi arabia telegram link for bets and consequently I earned a few American cents, which in the end earned me R$250 dollars, and yes, I lost that money in bets in the middle lol.
My journey until I met Harve
I didn't see marketing as a profession, my idea was to take a law course and continue in that area, but after a few months at law school, I saw that marketing was what I loved... and I wanted to study marketing, as I was working in a company where e-commerce was booming.
Why I chose Harve
I found Harve through a recommendation. I saw a lot of praise, I looked into it, I saw all the courses available, and I identified with the most complete one, in digital marketing, which is what I am studying.
My experience so far with Digital Marketing
Harve's course was essential, with it I built an e-commerce from scratch, I designed an e-commerce together with the company where I work, I formalized the strategies and resources that we would need to put all of this on the desired platforms, and also marketing campaigns aimed at my target audience in Automotive Accessories.
My expectations for the digital marketing market from now on
I want to study more about digital marketing, learn more about Google Ads campaigns, and improvements in companies on the online platform and also put into practice everything I study, to know how far I can put marketing to the test.
Areas of digital marketing that I most identify with
I'm currently in a young phase, as I'm in a company where marketing is just starting to enter in a subtle and local-appropriate way, initially! But in Harve's course, I liked the Google ADS part, and also the marketing strategies facing any challenge.
My results so far
My real results so far have been the creation of an e-commerce from SCRATCH, I structured a campaign map, with everything detailed, which paths to take and which not to take! The knowledge I have acquired has also been a great result for me, where I can face any obstacle, and know what I can really do in such a situation, without panic, and with a lot of peace of mind. The best thing about all this is that I am willing to improve and always try harder. Thank you Harve for the opportunity to be part of this change.